Sent gifts (80)

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This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 2 november 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 16 october 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Un regalito para ti amiga
the 15 october 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Este regalito para vos amiga
the 15 october 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 16 september 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 14 september 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 14 september 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 12 september 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 25 august 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 25 august 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 25 august 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 25 august 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Hola!!! kalipso este regalo para vos muchas gracias x tu linda visita a mi casita de PicMix besitos de amistad
the 4 august 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Hola amiga espero que estes bien .Este regalito para agradecerte por estar siempre presente y x tus cariños ,que tengas un lindo fin de semana colmadas de bendiciones ,Cuidate con este virus que nos tiene a todos en apuros. Besitos de amistad. FELIZ FIN DE SEMANA
the 9 july 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Holaaaa amiga . gracias x estar siempre presente .que pases un lindo fin de semana Besitos
the 2 july 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Hola amiguita .muy buen fin de semana un abrazo jigannnnteeeeeeee Besitos
the 2 july 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 13 june 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 4 june 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 4 june 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 4 june 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.hidden
the 4 june 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Hola Georges , que tengas una linda jornada .Te eh agregado a mi listas de amigos. Besitos
the 14 may 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Buen fin de semana amigo colmadas de Bendiciones
the 8 may 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Feliz fin de semana amigo ,muchas Bendiciones
the 8 may 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Buenas noches amiga , te he agregado en mi perfil de amigos .muy lindas tus creaciones . Besos
the 6 may 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Hola , amiga como estas, te dejo este bello paisaje . Besitos
the 28 april 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Hola amiga , un abrazo desde la distancia . Besos
the 28 april 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Hola como estas tantos tiempos ,gracias a Dios estoy nuevamente x aqui .Un gran abrazo desde mi Pais Arg. Besitos
the 28 april 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Hola amigo , feliz Miercoles un abrazo desde Arg.
the 28 april 2021
This PicMix no longer exists or your privacy settings are preventing it from being displayed.Feliz y bendecido miercoles . Besos
the 28 april 2021