make your offer Comments received (4)

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there is 22 days
The problem with Roblox is that I played it for about an hour and was immediately labeled as a furry by the community. Even though they were right, I could never bring myself to log in again.

So, I think I understand what you're trying to communicate here. If we become top shareholders, we win. We get the last laugh. Big dogs in the Roblox kingdom, immune to scrutiny.

Proposal verdict: Diabolical. My investment: $84,000,000.25. Doom descends upon my enemies.

there is 24 days
caan we invest in roblox stock-

there is 24 days
Interesting prospect. I respect your market awareness of the Adderall shortage crisis. Business proposal verdict: Genius. My investment: $37. Let's cook.-

there is 24 days
lets cook meth-